Oh no. I've brought up the word rest. If you're a college student, you're probably closing the tab or rolling your eyes because who has time to slow down? You definitely don't.
This week at Liberty University's campus community, Pastor David Nasser talked about this tough topic. If I'm being honest, I not only felt convicted, but I was also a little annoyed. Rest sounds like a great concept, but I wanted to sit him down and say, "You don't know my schedule! There's just not enough time in the day to get a full night sleep!"
I'm sure most college students feel the same way; our schedules are packed with classes and clubs and part-time jobs. This past week, however, I have felt the Lord almost chuckle at my strivings and strict schedules. If he could take a break from creating the universe then I should fight to make room for rest.
Let's process through together why we need rest and how we can get more of it.
The Power and Purpose of Rest
1. God rested.
As mentioned, God rested after creating the world. Jesus took time to go out alone
and pray during His earthly ministry (Mark 6:46). If we are to model our lives to be more like
Christ, we should follow in His footsteps and take time to slow down.
2. Rest is God's gift to us.
In Mark 2:27, Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and said “The Sabbath was made for man, not
man for the Sabbath." Sabbath rest is made for us. It is a gift from a God, and offers us an
opportunity to sit in His presence and refocus our lives on Him. When we take time to slow
down and come before Him, He is faithful to give us peace for our souls (Matthew 11:28).
3. We are wired for rest!
I believe that God created us with the need to recharge our bodies so that we would actually
physically feel when we are too busy and need to slow down. Without sleep, our brains
can't even function right. We get drowsy and moody. Certain medical conditions and diseases
can be linked to poor sleep schedules. A lack of rest also affects our mental health. Your body
agrees and affirms God's commands in His Word!
How to Get More Rest
1. Create rhythms of rest.
Creating specific times for rest help us not push it aside. Decide on a sleep schedule that
works for you, and don't allow yourself to work later than the schedule permits. Choose a time
in your day to read the Word and allow yourself to simply rest in God's presence. Create
rhythms of rest in your day that become as crucial as any other part of you schedule.
2. Honor the Sabbath.
Christians typically glance over the Sabbath as a privilege rather than priority. But remember
that verse I mentioned in Matthew where Jesus recognized Sabbath rest as God's gift to us?
This gift means a break from the hustle and hurts of our daily lives to sit in His presence and
gaze upon who He is.
Sabbath is a sacred day to bask in His glory! I don't know about you, but I need more of that.
So lets start prioritizing it!
Leave your Sunday (or another day of the week depending on your schedule) free from work,
school, emails, laundry, anything that would prohibit from you from resting! Let me warn you
though, doing nothing all day feels weird and uncomfortable. We're used to busy! But it also
fixes our heart upon the Lord and there is no better way to start the week.
3. Recognize areas for growth.
I might make you a bit uncomfortable with how far I'm going to take this, but... how much
time are you spending on social media? What about Netflix? Maybe (like me) you spend way
too much time online shopping. Identify areas where you are surrendering time that could be
better spent elsewhere (perhaps getting a full night of sleep?).
Now, here's where things get really tough. Some people have really busy schedules that are
full of wonderful, life-giving things. Many students are working at a part-time job, going to
class, serving on hall leadership, volunteering at their church, and on and on and on......
This is not feasible. It isn't. You are a human, not a robot! Acknowledge that there is simply not
time to enjoy life while being busy every moment of it. Let some things go. Decide what your
priorities are and create a realistic schedule based not on all the things you could do, but on
the things that matter most to you.
This is a lot to take it. Try starting with baby steps, such as monitoring your social media time this week. Most importantly, ask the Lord to step into your schedule and lead you into rhythms of rest!